深入学习 Redis 原理 - 速度快


  1. 完全基于内存,绝大部分请求是纯粹的内存操作,非常快速。数据存在内存中,类似于HashMap,HashMap的优势就是查找和操作的时间复杂度都是O(1);
  2. 数据结构简单,对数据操作也简单,Redis中的数据结构是专门进行设计的;
  3. 采用单线程,避免了不必要的上下文切换和竞争条件,也不存在多进程或者多线程导致的切换而消耗 CPU,不用去考虑各种锁的问题,不存在加锁释放锁操作,没有因为可能出现死锁而导致的性能消耗;
  4. 使用多路I/O复用模型,非阻塞IO;

Redis is single threaded. How can I exploit multiple CPU / cores?
It’s not very frequent that CPU becomes your bottleneck with Redis, as usually Redis is either memory or network bound. For instance, using pipelining Redis running on an average Linux system can deliver even 1 million requests per second, so if your application mainly uses O(N) or O(log(N)) commands, it is hardly going to use too much CPU.
However, to maximize CPU usage you can start multiple instances of Redis in the same box and treat them as different servers. At some point a single box may not be enough anyway, so if you want to use multiple CPUs you can start thinking of some way to shard earlier.


多路I/O复用模型是利用 select、poll、epoll 可以同时监察多个流的 I/O 事件的能力,在空闲的时候,会把当前线程阻塞掉,当有一个或多个流有 I/O 事件时,就从阻塞态中唤醒,于是程序就会轮询一遍所有的流(epoll 是只轮询那些真正发出了事件的流),并且只依次顺序的处理就绪的流,这种做法就避免了大量的无用操作。
